Greece has had a lot of Diogenes, but the most famous of them was considered, of course, the philosopher Diogenes, who lived in the city of Sinop just in one of his famous barrels.
He did not immediately reached to such a philosophy of life. Initially Diogenes met with oracle predictor and advised him: '' Do reappraisal! '' Diogenes understood it literally became minted coins. Preoccupied with this unseemly affair he saw running through the floor mouse. And Diogenes thought - that's a mouse, she does not care about what to drink, what to eat, what to wear, where to lie down. Looking for a mouse Diogenes understood the meaning of life, got himself a stick and the bag and began to walk the cities and villages of Greece, often in Corinth, and it was there he settled in large round clay barrel.
Belongings he was small - in the bag are his work lay bowl, a mug, a spoon. And seeing as a cowherd boy bent down to the brook and drink of her hands, Diogenes threw a mug. His case has become easier and soon noticed the invention of another boy - the mess of pottage poured directly into the palm - Diogenes and threw a bowl.
'' Get Rich philosopher easy but uninteresting '' - said the Greek sages and very often with undisguised contempt for worldly prosperity.
One of the seven sages - Bias of Priene, along with other fellow countrymen left the enemy taken hometown. Each was carrying and dragging with him all that he could and walked only one Bias light, without any belongings.
'' Hey, philosopher! Where is your good ?! - Laughing, shouting after him: 'Are you for all the life it never amassed?' '
'' All my carry with me! '' - Proudly answered Bias and scoffers s atihali.
Living in a barrel, Diogenes hardened. He also specially tempered - summer rolled on hot sand sun and winter hugged statues zaporoshёnnye snow. Philosopher generally liked to shock his fellow countrymen, and maybe that's why his antics survived so many stories.
Once in a festive day on the market suddenly appears barefoot man in a rough cloak over his naked body, with miserable wallet, thick stick and lantern - goes and cries: '' I am a man looking for a man !! ''
People came running together, and Diogenes brandishing a stick at them: '' I called people and not slaves! ''
After this incident, detractors asked Diogenes: '' Well, how did you find a man? '' What Diogenes replied with a sad smile: '' Good children found in Sparta, and good men - nowhere and no one. ''
(Jacob Jordaens - Diogones with a lantern, looking for people in the market)
Diogenes confounded not only simple and Sinope Corinthian people, but also their brothers philosophers.
It is said that once the divine Plato lectured at the Academy and gave a definition of man: '' A man is an animal on two legs without feathers and down '' - and has earned universal approval. Resourceful Diogenes, who did not like the philosophy of Plato and his cock plucked and tossed into the audience shouting, 'Here's a platonic man!' '.
(Diogenes, Detail of Rafaello Santi's "The School of Athens" (1510))
Diogenes lived before the time of Alexander the Great and often met him. The stories of these meetings usually begin with the words: '' One day, Alexander drove to Diogenes. '' The question is, why would the great Alexander, at whose feet were several conquered kingdoms began to drive up to the beggar philosopher Diogenes ?!
(Alexander the Great to the Diogenes. 1787Ivan Philippovich Tupylev)
Maybe talk about such meetings have always loved because beggar philosopher, prophet or fool can tell the truth and told the kings in the eye.
So, once arrived at the Alexander and Diogenes said:
- Alexander I - a great king!
- And I - Diogenes dog. Those who submits to me, I wagged his tail, those who refuse, bark, and others - bite.
- Do you want to have dinner with me?
- Unhappy who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, when he wants to Alexander.
- And you are not afraid of me?
- And you - good or evil?
- Of course - good.
- Who is afraid of good?
- I am the ruler of Macedonia, and soon the whole world. What can I do for you?
- Get away slightly to the side, you froze me the sun!
Alexander then drove off to his friends and subjects, and said: '' If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes. ''
(Poussin Nicolas Landscape with Diogenes, 1648. Les Andelys, 1594 - Rome, 1665)
Over Diogenes laughed often, it even beat him, but he was loved. '' These are your fellow citizens condemned to wander you? '' - Asked him strangers. '' No, I condemned them to stay at home '' - replied Diogenes.
Where are you come from? - Laughed countrymen. '' I - a citizen of the world! '' - Proudly replied Diogenes and how to really learned historians, was one of the first cosmopolitans. Remember how many times in human history, philosophers accused of cosmopolitanism and unpatriotic ?! And Diogenes condemn in this and in other difficult. When his hometown attacked by enemies, the philosopher was not taken aback, rolled his barrel and began banging on it. The people fled to the city walls and the city was saved.
Then one day, when the boy-rogues took and broke his barrel, it was because of burnt clay, the wise city authorities decided - carve children, to teach it, and Diogenes issue a new barrel. Therefore, in a philosophical museum should be two barrels - one old and broken, and the other - the new.
(Diogenes Asking for Alms 1767Jean Restout Gallery (1692-1768)
The legend says that Diogenes died the same day as Alexander the Great. Alexander - thirty-three years of age in the distant and strange Babylon Diogenes - the eighty-ninth year of life in his native city of Corinth on a vacant lot.
A few students between the dispute arose - who bury the philosopher. Business as usual, not without a fight. But come to their fathers and the authorities and buried Diogenes near the city gates. Over the tomb was erected column, and on it - a dog carved from marble. Later, other compatriots had Diogenes kudos, erecting his bronze monuments, one of which was written:
Let grow old copper under the authority of the time - yet
Survive the century glory is yours, Diogenes:
You taught us how to live, being content with what you have,
You showed us the way, which is not easier.
ROSA, Salvator
Diogenes Casting away his Cup 1650s.
Aphorisms, quotes
Contact with dignitaries, as with fire: do not stand or very close or very far away from them.
Extending a hand to a friend, do not squeeze your fingers into a fist.
Poverty itself paves the way for philosophy. What philosophy tries to convince in words, poverty forces to carry out in practice.
Zloslovets is the most ferocious of wild beasts, and a smoothie - the most dangerous of tame animals.
Philosophy and medicine have made the wisest man of the animals, divination and astrology - the most insane superstition and despotism - the most miserable.
Those who keep animals, must recognize that the sooner they are animals, animals than they.
When the philosopher Diogenes in need of money, he did not say that lend their friends; he said that he will ask his friends to return the debt
He did not immediately reached to such a philosophy of life. Initially Diogenes met with oracle predictor and advised him: '' Do reappraisal! '' Diogenes understood it literally became minted coins. Preoccupied with this unseemly affair he saw running through the floor mouse. And Diogenes thought - that's a mouse, she does not care about what to drink, what to eat, what to wear, where to lie down. Looking for a mouse Diogenes understood the meaning of life, got himself a stick and the bag and began to walk the cities and villages of Greece, often in Corinth, and it was there he settled in large round clay barrel.
Belongings he was small - in the bag are his work lay bowl, a mug, a spoon. And seeing as a cowherd boy bent down to the brook and drink of her hands, Diogenes threw a mug. His case has become easier and soon noticed the invention of another boy - the mess of pottage poured directly into the palm - Diogenes and threw a bowl.
'' Get Rich philosopher easy but uninteresting '' - said the Greek sages and very often with undisguised contempt for worldly prosperity.
One of the seven sages - Bias of Priene, along with other fellow countrymen left the enemy taken hometown. Each was carrying and dragging with him all that he could and walked only one Bias light, without any belongings.
'' Hey, philosopher! Where is your good ?! - Laughing, shouting after him: 'Are you for all the life it never amassed?' '
'' All my carry with me! '' - Proudly answered Bias and scoffers s atihali.
Living in a barrel, Diogenes hardened. He also specially tempered - summer rolled on hot sand sun and winter hugged statues zaporoshёnnye snow. Philosopher generally liked to shock his fellow countrymen, and maybe that's why his antics survived so many stories.
Once in a festive day on the market suddenly appears barefoot man in a rough cloak over his naked body, with miserable wallet, thick stick and lantern - goes and cries: '' I am a man looking for a man !! ''
People came running together, and Diogenes brandishing a stick at them: '' I called people and not slaves! ''
After this incident, detractors asked Diogenes: '' Well, how did you find a man? '' What Diogenes replied with a sad smile: '' Good children found in Sparta, and good men - nowhere and no one. ''
(Jacob Jordaens - Diogones with a lantern, looking for people in the market)
Diogenes confounded not only simple and Sinope Corinthian people, but also their brothers philosophers.
It is said that once the divine Plato lectured at the Academy and gave a definition of man: '' A man is an animal on two legs without feathers and down '' - and has earned universal approval. Resourceful Diogenes, who did not like the philosophy of Plato and his cock plucked and tossed into the audience shouting, 'Here's a platonic man!' '.
(Diogenes, Detail of Rafaello Santi's "The School of Athens" (1510))
Diogenes lived before the time of Alexander the Great and often met him. The stories of these meetings usually begin with the words: '' One day, Alexander drove to Diogenes. '' The question is, why would the great Alexander, at whose feet were several conquered kingdoms began to drive up to the beggar philosopher Diogenes ?!
(Alexander the Great to the Diogenes. 1787Ivan Philippovich Tupylev)
Maybe talk about such meetings have always loved because beggar philosopher, prophet or fool can tell the truth and told the kings in the eye.
So, once arrived at the Alexander and Diogenes said:
- Alexander I - a great king!
- And I - Diogenes dog. Those who submits to me, I wagged his tail, those who refuse, bark, and others - bite.
- Do you want to have dinner with me?
- Unhappy who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, when he wants to Alexander.
- And you are not afraid of me?
- And you - good or evil?
- Of course - good.
- Who is afraid of good?
- I am the ruler of Macedonia, and soon the whole world. What can I do for you?
- Get away slightly to the side, you froze me the sun!
Alexander then drove off to his friends and subjects, and said: '' If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes. ''
(Poussin Nicolas Landscape with Diogenes, 1648. Les Andelys, 1594 - Rome, 1665)
Over Diogenes laughed often, it even beat him, but he was loved. '' These are your fellow citizens condemned to wander you? '' - Asked him strangers. '' No, I condemned them to stay at home '' - replied Diogenes.
Where are you come from? - Laughed countrymen. '' I - a citizen of the world! '' - Proudly replied Diogenes and how to really learned historians, was one of the first cosmopolitans. Remember how many times in human history, philosophers accused of cosmopolitanism and unpatriotic ?! And Diogenes condemn in this and in other difficult. When his hometown attacked by enemies, the philosopher was not taken aback, rolled his barrel and began banging on it. The people fled to the city walls and the city was saved.
Then one day, when the boy-rogues took and broke his barrel, it was because of burnt clay, the wise city authorities decided - carve children, to teach it, and Diogenes issue a new barrel. Therefore, in a philosophical museum should be two barrels - one old and broken, and the other - the new.
(Diogenes Asking for Alms 1767Jean Restout Gallery (1692-1768)
The legend says that Diogenes died the same day as Alexander the Great. Alexander - thirty-three years of age in the distant and strange Babylon Diogenes - the eighty-ninth year of life in his native city of Corinth on a vacant lot.
A few students between the dispute arose - who bury the philosopher. Business as usual, not without a fight. But come to their fathers and the authorities and buried Diogenes near the city gates. Over the tomb was erected column, and on it - a dog carved from marble. Later, other compatriots had Diogenes kudos, erecting his bronze monuments, one of which was written:
Let grow old copper under the authority of the time - yet
Survive the century glory is yours, Diogenes:
You taught us how to live, being content with what you have,
You showed us the way, which is not easier.
ROSA, Salvator
Diogenes Casting away his Cup 1650s.
Aphorisms, quotes
Contact with dignitaries, as with fire: do not stand or very close or very far away from them.
Extending a hand to a friend, do not squeeze your fingers into a fist.
Poverty itself paves the way for philosophy. What philosophy tries to convince in words, poverty forces to carry out in practice.
Zloslovets is the most ferocious of wild beasts, and a smoothie - the most dangerous of tame animals.
Philosophy and medicine have made the wisest man of the animals, divination and astrology - the most insane superstition and despotism - the most miserable.
Those who keep animals, must recognize that the sooner they are animals, animals than they.
When the philosopher Diogenes in need of money, he did not say that lend their friends; he said that he will ask his friends to return the debt
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